Alter und Zahnaufhellung – wie sie zusammenhängen

Age and teeth whitening - how they are related

Teeth are an integral part of our lives and are present almost from the very beginning. In most people, they fall out once as baby teeth and come back as permanent teeth. Throughout life, teeth undergo a lot, from cavities to surgeries to decay and tartar. It's no wonder that the natural color of teeth darkens over time, shifting from white to shades of yellow or gray. While this may not be as noticeable in early youth and adulthood, there are often many complaints and uncertainties regarding yellow teeth, especially in young adulthood.

What factors darken the teeth

There are many factors that can influence tooth color. These can be genetic in nature on one hand and come from external sources on the other. Since we cannot change the genetic factors, we will focus today on the external ones. This particularly includes daily dental hygiene, which should be performed thoroughly in the morning and evening after meals using fluoride toothpaste, dental floss, and mouthwash. Other factors such as a healthy diet, limited coffee and red wine consumption, and avoiding smoking also play a role. Over a lifetime, smokers, those with poor oral hygiene, and coffee and red wine drinkers develop a visibly darker coloration. One may not notice the difference after a cup of coffee or a cigarette. In fact, the effect only becomes visible after some time with regular use. Once it does, it is also much harder to reverse.

Alter und Zahnaufhellung – wie sie zusammenhängen

What can help with tooth discoloration

As we age, teeth often become darker and less attractive. Many people consider this a beauty flaw and want to do something about it. When the daily dental routine no longer helps, bleaching can provide relief for discolored teeth. OnlySmile is a German provider of cosmetic teeth whitening and offers simple at-home teeth whitening products. OnlySmile uses selected raw materials and ingredients that must meet the highest quality standards and are scientifically effective. Our products do not harm the teeth and can be used multiple times. And this is suitable from the age of seven for a lifetime. Become part of the global OnlySmile community and help your teeth regain their original shine.

Photo: © Onlysmile, wavebreakmedia -
Author: Johann (

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