Ergebnisse mit Onlysmile – wie schnell bekomme ich sie?

Results with Onlysmile – how quickly will I receive them?

The OnlySmile teeth whitening is a simple and straightforward way to give your teeth a radiant white and to help you achieve a convincing and successful smile, that will impress your fellow human beings and yourself. All you have to do is apply our OnlySmile teeth whitening gel to the included tray and then let it whiten under light exposure for about 30 minutes. However, you don't have to sit still in one spot; you can relax and iron, hang up laundry, or do other stationary tasks at the same time.

How quickly will I get whiter teeth?

The lightening of your tooth color depends on several factors. Firstly, it depends on the original color of your teeth, which is determined by several criteria. For example, smokers, regular red wine drinkers, and coffee drinkers tend to have darker or yellower teeth than people who consume fewer staining foods. Secondly, your natural tooth color also depends on your genes, so it is inherited. If you find darker teeth in your family, it is no surprise that your teeth are also rather dark.

If you have a rather dark tooth color from the beginning, you will already see and observe initial results after the first application. However, if your tooth color is already very light by nature, the results of the OnlySmile teeth whitening may not be as quickly noticeable and will therefore require several applications.

Another factor lies in the frequency of using the teeth whitening. Generally, the OnlySmile teeth whitening can be applied as often as desired. However, since some customers report increased sensitivity or even tooth pain with too frequent use, we recommend using it according to your individual preference, depending on how comfortable you feel and whether you have any discomfort. It should be noted that the OnlySmile teeth whitening with correct application absolutely safe and no stronger side effects are to be expected.

Ergebnisse mit Onlysmile – wie schnell bekomme ich sie?

OnlySmile is a company that specializes in teeth whitening. All our powders and gels are developed and produced in German laboratories, thus adhering to the highest quality standards. In addition, OnlySmile is also represented internationally and can therefore rely on a broad feedback base from OnlySmile users. Let yourself be convinced by OnlySmile too.

Photo: © Onlysmile, Look Studio -
Author: Johann (
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